Colibri Consulting Group is a social-justice consulting firm whose purpose is to serve as a resource in propelling the liberatory work of inspired movement actors who dream of a world where we can all thrive.

What We Do

Our work spans a range of sectors and issues and is informed by an intersectional analysis of systemic inequities and structural racism. We partner with organizations that actively work to dismantle these fractured systems and shift power to systems-affected communities, promote self-determination, and nurture the environments that advance the efforts of movement leaders and change agents working on the frontlines of social change.

  • Leadership coaching offers a highly customized development experience for movement leaders and change agents operating on the frontline of social change. We utilize an empathetic leadership model that allows us to work with partners to break down issues, guide a process of transformation, and serve as an accountability partner for achieving goals.

  • We ground ourselves in a practice that promotes inclusion and ensures that all voices are heard and honored. We work with our partners to re-energize their organizations, engage their board, staff, funders, and constituents meaningfully, and build a plan to enhance their long-term strategic direction.

  • Coalition management is a powerful way to advance mutual objectives and transform communities. We utilize a coalition development model that unites multiple organizations and partners of interest to form shared goals and strategies to achieve a certain collective interest.

  • We believe the urgency and complexity of the problems movement leaders and grantmakers try to solve demand that we come together to mutually exchange knowledge and insights from our work and combine resources. Allow us to design and facilitate convenings for your organization to serve as powerful vehicles for amassing shared knowledge, building trusting relationships, and laying the groundwork for collective action.

  • We lead collaborative learning labs for movement leaders and practitioners guided by the belief that a dual team-based approach to leadership and deep-diving into individual leadership development are crucial for success, as the mark of effective leadership is not an individual who “does it all” but rather a full leadership team that can fuel high performance over the long haul.